Category Page Design Tips to Increase Conversions and Sales
Regarding an eCommerce website, product pages were given the most attention. A category page can be a great source of traffic and a powerful page when designed and implemented properly. Any effective category page can help you rank higher in multiple keywords. It can be the gateway to making customers interested in multiple products.
So, to get a better result you need to focus on the design, structure and layouts of your category pages. Placement of your products according to colours, prices even titles is very important to make sales. But before designing a category page you have to understand your targeted audience their age, professions also where they live. All these things make a great impact on sales.
Importance of eCommerce Category Page
A category is one of the most important pages for an eCommerce website. On a category page, shoppers can be drawn by showing all the products and using multiple keywords. It helps shoppers to find the product they want also by showing other products sales can be increased. ECommerce websites need to make a very engaging category page.
Steps for a perfect eCommerce product page design
As we know eCommerce category page is important, now let's begin with steps towards an eCommerce category page.
Keyword Analysis
Keyword analysis is the first approach to creating a category page. Everything starts after choosing a keyword. In terms of selecting a keyword, a high search volume is preferable. But always be careful about the cost per click(CPC). A high CPC means that the keyword has more competition. Try to choose a low CPC keyword but with a high volume.
Search for the current position(if you already have a category page)
You can check your current position in google analytics. There you can see which page is ranking for which keywords. From there you can choose the keywords for your category page.
Competition Analysis
Check your competitor by manually searching on google. According to your keyword which competitor comes first to check their category page for page layout, structure, colour combinations and content.
Page Layout
The category page is the most powerful page of a website. On a category page, you can arrange and present all the information about your products and help visitors to navigate through categories. A category page must have 2 things.
- Proper navigation and
- Well-organized products
Page Colors
As you are designing your category page that means you already have selected your logo and colour combination. The Color combination can affect sales also it improves brands' aesthetics and strengthens brands' image. Modern brands are moving towards bright and vibrant colours such as red, yellow, orange, blue, green, pink and purple. Every colour has its own meaning.
Navigation Bars
The navigation bar is one of the most important parts of a page. It helps users to navigate through the website and also gives a smooth feel of browsing through the website. By creating categories and subcategories users can easily find their specific product. A well-structured navigation bar can engage the customer more and which leads to more conversion.
A category page banner is another way to present the whole page. In a category page banner, you can focus on multiple products or promote any offer. A banner with the correct colour combination with the seasonal vibe can increase conversion. Also, you can add an icon to your sub-categories for better understanding and also make people interested in that.
Image optimization
Every eCommerce website's main point of attraction is images. On every page, there will be lots of images of products or size charts. Optimizing images is a much-needed thing. Because web pages with high load time increase bounce rate also organic search ranking. When uploading an image change the name for example the image title is “img-201” then change it to your chosen product keyword name. This is known as "Alt Text".
So, to get a better result you need to focus on the design, structure and layouts of your category pages. All these things make a great impact on sales. Everything starts after choosing a keyword. Competition Analysis Check your competitor by manually searching on google. Every colour has its own meaning. A category page banner is another way to present the whole page in a single image. On every page, there will be lots of images of products or size charts. Optimizing images is a much-needed thing. Cause webpages with high load time increase bounce rate also organic search ranking.