Attendance Keeper Account Setup Guide

Once you log in to your Attendance Keeper account for the first time, you’ll be guided through an account setup wizard. This process helps you configure key details for your organization.

Account Setup

Step 1: Create a Department

  • Navigate to the Department Creation Screen: The first step is to create a department.
  • Branch: Select the branch where this department will be located from the dropdown.
  • Department Name: Enter the name of the department (e.g., HR, Software Engineering).
  • Incharge: Select the individual responsible for overseeing this department.
  • Click ‘Create’: After entering the required information, click the Create button to save the department.

Departments can be added or modified quickly via the Settings page, allowing for seamless customization and management.

Step 2: Create a Designation

  • Proceed to the Designation Creation Screen: After creating a department, the next step is to define designations within that department.
  • Job Title: Enter the title of the job position (e.g., Software Engineer, Manager).
  • Branch: Select the branch this designation belongs to.
  • Department Name: Select the department associated with this designation.
  • Click ‘Create’: Once the information is entered, click the Create button to save the designation.

Additional designations can be added or edited effortlessly through the Settings page.

Step 3: Create Leave Type

  • Move to the Leave Type Creation Screen: The next step is to configure leave types.
  • Leave Name: Provide a name for the leave type (e.g., Yearly Leave, Sick Leave).
  • Branch: Select the branch that will use this leave type.
  • Leave Type: Choose the leave type category (e.g., Yearly, Sick, Casual).
  • Total Days: Set the total number of days available for this leave type (e.g., 28 days for Yearly Leave).
  • Click ‘Create’: Click Create to save the leave type.

You can easily add or edit more Leave types from your Settings page.

Step 4: Create Schedule Template

  • Move to the Schedule Template Creation Screen: In this step, you’ll create a work schedule template.
  • Title: Name the schedule (e.g., Weekday Shift, Weekend Shift).
  • Branch: Select the branch where this schedule will apply.
  • Break Allowance: Set the break allowance (in minutes) for employees under this schedule.


This break allowance applies automatically to all employees assigned to the Schedule Template.

  • Day Off: Select the days off for this schedule (e.g., Saturday, Sunday).
  • Time In/Time Out: Set the working hours for each day. You can set individual time-in and time-out hours or use the Set Value to All button to apply the same hours across multiple days.
  • Click ‘Create’: After setting the schedule, click Create to save it.

You can easily create or adjust Schedule Templates from your dashboard, accessible through the Schedule page.

Completion: Dashboard Overview

  • Congratulations! Once all the steps are complete, you’ll be taken to your dashboard.
  • Here you can start managing your team, monitor attendance, view leave requests, and more.
  • The dashboard gives you an overview of attendance statistics, employee activity, and important notifications.

You are now ready to manage your employees and track attendance with ease!